Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweet Treats and Loving Friends and Family

Update Day 5

It feels like every hour im on a different roller coaster ride. I never know what to expect because I could be sitting in peace happy with my life and then two seconds later it feels like my body has decided to turn its self inside out. haha Today was a good day though compared to last night or even the last couple of days. 
I had no sleep I watched every hour pass by on my phone it felt like time was mocking me! While everyone slept and coco snored I stared at the little glowing stars in my room waiting for the sun to rise. 

At around 12 pm lulu came in and told me we were having lunch with Rachies!! I was soo excited.. I hardly get to ever see Rachel.. Growing up the only girls in the family were Lulu, Rachies and me. We did everything together, so getting to catch up with her is so exciting. Rachies has always been someone that I could count on for anything and I wish we could back to the days were we would sing spice girls and dance in my living room. 

We ate a Gurus.. It was my first time there.. but absolutely not my last. As most of you know im such a food fan haha and my belly tends to show that too. I can be a little picky but I just love the art of food and as I get older I dream of doing culinary school just to learn how to cook amazing food. haha and my second wish is to be on the food network! haha but back to my day with Rachies!! I ate a grilled salmon in teriyaki sauce with wild rice and grilled veggies. It was so perfect and the best part was that i was able to keep it down!! We talked and laughed and while we were finishing up our meals one of the servers asked us if we would like dessert. We were unsure about what all entailed in their bread pudding, that the server managed to get us a free slice for being first time costumers. Well... I think I have found another item to put on my dessert list: Blue Berry Bread Pudding! mmmm 

Our Rachies had to go back to school and finish some art projects so we dropped her off at school.. then lulu and I headed to a baptism that we had promised our missionaries we would attend. I also have been in need of a good health blessing.. so I figured we would kill two birds with one stone. We hung out with our cute missionaries and after a little I decided its best we go home. I had been out way too long. 

I got to rest for about an hour.. and then Karina, (gabes little cousin) asked me to go over to her house.. we live less than a block apart and I adore her and her little sister. They remind me so much of lulu and me when we were little and psychotic! haha Karina and Annisa are such sweethearts so I try and see them as much as time allows. Well I helped her and her adorable friend.. Karina.. haha get ready for a quincenera that they were going to go to. We laughed and they made me feel young all over again! haha We did our nails and make up.. they looked super cute for the party! I was a little jealous its been ages since I have gotten ready for a party. I miss dancing! I think that will be my first request when I get better.. We are going Salsa Dancing!! :) 

When I got home.. my super sweet and adorable Mayra and Gene showed up with the cutest balloon ever and cremebrulee!! Soon after that Rachies showed up to spend the night with us as well. It was the best get well get together.. ever! We stayed up watching Karate Kid and talking... It was a great ending to such a tough week. Being surrounded by all those that I love really helps me feel so much better

Im so spoiled by my little chickies on such a daily basis that when he leaves me I miss him as if he had left for years! haha Hes so cute though, he made sure to keep in contact with me and even escaped the wedding to say high to me on facebook.. :) I cant wait to see him and give him a big hug. I also feel soo much better about him leaving to mexico without me because 1. I realized he was not in mexico but rather in Arizona's back yard! haha they were exactly 10 minutes away from the boarder. So that does not count in my terms! haha and 2. there are no palm trees there.. and thats my second main reason to get out of utah. haha Although the weather is hotter and there is no snow a place with no palm trees is a sad place... 

To sweet treats and loving friends and family! 

 Love Jessy 

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