Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pricks Pokes and Plenty of Tears!

So for the past three weeks I have had this pretty bad pain in my bladder and a feeling of it being really swollen and every day I hoped it would just magically go away.. well I have had no luck. Today I woke up and it was just enough to get me to go to the ER. I hate going to the hospital I always have believed its over priced and just not any good if your going in for a medical condition v.s a trauma condition. But I went.. well after 4 hours of poking and several scans and im not sure how many roller coster rides worth of drugs. I was sent home with an Iv in my arm and a package of pills.. to only return again tomorrow.

I was not very surprised when they said... "well we are not sure what it is.. but here are more pain killers for the night if you choose not to stay here." So being there, or being here and saving some money I knew there was not much they could do until tomorrow at two when I get to see the doctor once again. So spent the rest of the day cudding/ sleeping with my chickies and debating on ripping out this super annoying IV.

Its days like today.. where I enjoy being at school and having a normal life. I feel soo bad for those who end up spending months non end hospitalized trapped to a never ending sea of nurses and doctors all looking down at you with pity in their eyes. Tonight.. ill be praying for good results tomorrow but most of all.. health and wellness to all of those I love.

Tired hugs and kiss...


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