Friday, February 25, 2011

3rd Rock and Oxycodone

Update on day 4:

Last night was a little rocky.. I stayed up waiting to hear that gabe had made it to vegas alive and I was just not feeling the best. So to distract myself I started watching 3rd Rock From the Sun.. seriously funniest show I have EVER seen. I can say it beats modern family! Its such a classic hit! It hits every single awkward possible moment anyone could have. So while waiting to get my final good night call from my chickies I watched the first three or four episodes. 

Well seeing on how I got to bed so late.. I caught up on sleep and slept in. Which is fine because besides sleeping this past week I have done nothing but play on my computer and watch netflix! The doctors yesterday told me if my kidneys hurt to go back and get more antibiotics on top of what im taking orally. This morning I had quite a bit of discomfort but I get scared of becoming immune to the antibiotics and then in the future if something like this happens again.. I could be in a lot of trouble. So I have toughed out the day.. with my side kick.. Oxycodone and watched as much 3rd Rock a person could all in one day. 

For dinner my parents, lulu and I went out to eat at this little chinese place that we eat at all the time. It felt good getting out of the house. This past week the only getting out was to go to the ER so a different setting was nice. 

I dont know what it is but all of the meds they put you on always makes me grumpy, and my poor chickies got the short end of the stick today. I feel bad and miss him lots. We dont spend a lot of time apart and I guess feeling so yucky and him so far away has added to my grumpiness . Im happy he got to get away.. cuz i Love getting away.. haha thats what im all about.  Im looking forward to all the yummy chilorio that he is bringing back! haha mmmm 

I Love this picture because it has all of the things that I Love:
1. chickies 
2. palm trees 
3. Sunny clear skies 
4. MEXICO!! 

haha there are plenty of things missing like my lulu or my mama and daddy and my silly emmanuel. But I just wish i could be there right now.

dizzy hugs and kisses


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