Thursday, February 24, 2011

One Big Fat CRY baby.. and a Trooper!

Update Day 3: 

So I was able to get some good sleep last night which was nice. Maybe its because lulu slept with me and was keeping me company! :) This morning on the other hand was just not fun at all.. this whole time my right kidney had been bothering me, well this morning both my right and left kidney were just on fire. I was scheduled to go back to the hospital at three so I waited patiently for three o clock to come around! 

My chickies came with me this time.. I told him I wanted to hold his hand today.. since he is leaving on a mini trip with rollies.. I wanted to have him around for as long as possible for today. So when we got to the ER they put us in the same room as yesterday but today my doctor was a Lady. 

Well.. she had me pee in one of those fancy cups they give you and had us wait for the results to see if all of this IV stuff is working. Well bad news for today.. despite the load of IV antibiotics that they have been giving me, my pee showed up positive with still signs of infection. The bad news on top of that is my left kidney is starting to catch my right kidneys cold. 

Well after waiting for about half an hour.. a woman with frizzy big hair and a purple outfit came in... holding a NEEDLE!!! ahhh haha im such a cry baby when it comes to needles!!! Im fine with IV's but shots.. ahhh I cant manage to look at them! since we took out the IV they had put in the first day the doctor thought it would be easier to give me a shot with plenty of antibiotics. :s So after a little bit of hyperventilating gabe told me.. just do it you big baby!! 

It burned!! While I was getting the shot I managed to bite gabes hand and even give him a good punch.. or two! What a trooper! haha he was such a good support and he even helped rub it out.. while I cursed that frizzy haired women to the depths of... well you get the point! 

We decided that his has been pay back for all the poking and probing I have done to people in the past! haha

After we left the ER we got my new set of meds and came back to my house. I have been craving Banana Cream Pie.. mmm.. So my chickies and I made mini banana cream pies. They looked better than the ones in this picture! haha im not much of a baker at all.. so when something finally turns out edible.. im proud of my self! haha I think a toddler could make these in his sleep! haha but it was a sweet ending to a rough day. 
I know your dying to know how to make these! haha so my sweet treat to you today... A RECIPE! 
1. ready to bake Pie Crust.. (The kind you can cut and shape)
2. Vanilla Pudding.. (the kind that comes in a box)... just add two cups of cold milk :) 
3. Bananas 
4. Whipping cream 
5. Caramel 

First cut your pie crust into squires that would fit inside of a cupcake pan. Its best if you have some dough hanging out.. we shaped those parts all wavy to give it a cool look. 
Next put those in the oven at 450 degrees.. and they should take between 5-10 mins. 
Next.. make your pudding.. Cut your banana into small circles. 

When your dough looks nice and golden brown.. take them out of the oven. 
Put your bananas at the bottom of your little crust then put the pudding, then add the whipping cream at a little banana on top and drizzle the caramel right on top. 

The End!! hahah can you tell this is my first time making a recipe!?  

Hugs and Kisses.. 


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