Saturday, February 19, 2011

Love, Flowers and a Bride To Be!

When it comes to having a best friend, I can say I got lucky! Mayra has been my best friend for about 3 years now but it feels like we have known each other or whole lives. Mayra is Gabes little sister and I just LOVE her to death! to the point where luisa and I have formally accepted her to be our third sister! Well this blog post is all about her because she is getting MARRIED!!!!!!!! I seriously feel like my big sister is getting married, I have cried, laughed, cheered and cried some more knowing that my beautiful Mayra is going to get married to our wonderful EUGENE!! 

Love story:  
    Our story first begins three years ago at the fanciest of all locations; the uvu shuttle bus. It was the middle of the school year and Mayra and Eugene managed to catch the same shuttle on this particular evening. Well the rest of it is history.. because three years later.. we are now planning for the I DO's! 

I believe that it had to have been LOVE at first sight because since then these two love birds have been inseparable! For the past three years mayra and eugene have traveled together, camped, celebrated dozens of events and surpassed anything that has come their way! Congrats you two crazy love birds!! 

DECEMBER 16, 2010

   After a few white lies, gene and I took a day off and went ring shopping! Our first and last destination was Shane Co. The place was fancy and met all of Genes needs and wants! We had a blast looking for rings!! Our major concerns were: Will she love it?? Will she be able to wear it at work?? and will it be enough to convince her to say YES!! 

WELL... we found it!! not only was our trip to Shane Co. Fun, but very educational! we learned about the different types of diamonds and what it takes to be placed on that special some ones finger! Im happy I got to go with gene we had such a fun day! 

So now we had to keep things a SECRET!! 

DECEMBER: 31, 2010 
  For new years, we packed our bags and drove out to California to watch gene propose to mayra at the happiest place on earth!! (Disneyland)  The plan was to surprise mayra at midnight with the engagement ring and gene on one knee! Well it worked out great! she had no clue what we were up to!! Our poor gene was so nervous all he kept asking was.. so is that a yes?! haha while she was screaming YES!! I am so happy i was able to be there and watch them turn from boyfriend and girlfriend to: Fiancés!!  

Planning Time!! FEB 19, 2011

Now that all the asking has been done and all the YES's have been said! Its time to plan the wedding!! mayra and me spent the afternoon looking at dresses, food, flowers, photographers and wedding invitations!! There is so much to do in so little time! We set all sorts of appointments to pick out the official wedding dress and the invitations! We even WON free thank you post cards!! Until next time... 


JULY 9, 2011 


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