Friday, March 4, 2011

Celebrating 25 years of Love!

25 years of love:

On March 1st, 1986 my parents ran away from home and got married!!! haha its a long story that many of you know! I still cry every time she tells it.. haha which if any of you know my mom.. you would know that thats.. quite often! but the love and passion that they have for each other is amazing and despite anything that comes in their way.. they battle it out and surpass lives toughest battles.

Well March 1st, 2011 represented 25 years of their marriage!! What an accomplishment!! and to celebrate Lulu and I planned for them to have an amazing getaway!
so here is the story:

So by midnight of March 1st, Lulu and I had come to realize that my Mom and Dad had not made any official plans to celebrate their anniversary. We put a budget together and then started to see what we could do for them. We were not going to allow 25 years to just pass by!!

Well after much research we finally came across this amazing resort in Midway: The Zermatt Resort!!
We got them the Bed and Breakfast package and filled their day with activities and dinner.

Well we decided to present to them their amazing getaway in a pamphlet so I spent the remainder of the night writing them an Itinerary and exact details of what their package all entailed. I was able to finish all of the last details by nine in the morning. By then my mom had been walking around the house and doing her usual routine.

I could tell she was not sure what we were up to when we handed her the little red folder but as she came to realize what her day was about to entail.. she light up! :) That made me soo happy because my parents deserve an awesome night out for their 25th anniversary. Well she got my dad home as soon as he could and they left for a night of fun and relaxation at the Zermatt Resort. At this point lulu my mom and me started packing for their one night getaway!  I love how excited she was!! :)

Once my dad came home they were ready to leave: 

The Itinerary: 
Their getaway started by swimming at the Homestead Crater at Midway, I had reserved for them to be there by three. I had originally planned for them to first go to the hotel and settle in and change, but time moved quicker than what we had planned and they managed to get to the crater at exactly three! The lucky love birds spent two hours in the crater! the place was so slow no one noticed they stayed so long. :) 


They checked in to the hotel and got ready for dinner, Matty's Bistro :) 

the view from the room 

After dinner: 
The love birds went to have an enchanted experience at the Ice Castles in Midway: 

After freezing at the Ice Castles they went back to the resort to swim, hot tub and check out all of the amazing relaxation rooms that the resort has to offer.

The next day: 
They watched a movie, went into all of the saunas and steam rooms.. sat in the relaxation rooms and ate breakfast at the bistro and hung out at the resort till about one or two in the afternoon. They even bought yummy fancy pastries from the bakery that they have on site. :) 

On their way home.. my dad decided it would be fun to walk out onto the middle of Deer Creek. My mom was so scared! That lake is so big and I dont blame her for being scared of walking out on top of all of that ice. She said there were plenty of people fish camping! haha she said they were all in tents around holes they had made in the snow! to us... thats a little wierd. 


oh about two hours after they got home from their getaway.. my dad managed to cut and break his middle finger! My poor mom has been to the hospital way to much these past two weeks.. but hes ok now.. he just has to wear a cast and he got 5 stitches. I dont have a picture of his finger.  Maybe on my next post ill put one. :) 


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