Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweet Treats and Loving Friends and Family

Update Day 5

It feels like every hour im on a different roller coaster ride. I never know what to expect because I could be sitting in peace happy with my life and then two seconds later it feels like my body has decided to turn its self inside out. haha Today was a good day though compared to last night or even the last couple of days. 
I had no sleep I watched every hour pass by on my phone it felt like time was mocking me! While everyone slept and coco snored I stared at the little glowing stars in my room waiting for the sun to rise. 

At around 12 pm lulu came in and told me we were having lunch with Rachies!! I was soo excited.. I hardly get to ever see Rachel.. Growing up the only girls in the family were Lulu, Rachies and me. We did everything together, so getting to catch up with her is so exciting. Rachies has always been someone that I could count on for anything and I wish we could back to the days were we would sing spice girls and dance in my living room. 

We ate a Gurus.. It was my first time there.. but absolutely not my last. As most of you know im such a food fan haha and my belly tends to show that too. I can be a little picky but I just love the art of food and as I get older I dream of doing culinary school just to learn how to cook amazing food. haha and my second wish is to be on the food network! haha but back to my day with Rachies!! I ate a grilled salmon in teriyaki sauce with wild rice and grilled veggies. It was so perfect and the best part was that i was able to keep it down!! We talked and laughed and while we were finishing up our meals one of the servers asked us if we would like dessert. We were unsure about what all entailed in their bread pudding, that the server managed to get us a free slice for being first time costumers. Well... I think I have found another item to put on my dessert list: Blue Berry Bread Pudding! mmmm 

Our Rachies had to go back to school and finish some art projects so we dropped her off at school.. then lulu and I headed to a baptism that we had promised our missionaries we would attend. I also have been in need of a good health blessing.. so I figured we would kill two birds with one stone. We hung out with our cute missionaries and after a little I decided its best we go home. I had been out way too long. 

I got to rest for about an hour.. and then Karina, (gabes little cousin) asked me to go over to her house.. we live less than a block apart and I adore her and her little sister. They remind me so much of lulu and me when we were little and psychotic! haha Karina and Annisa are such sweethearts so I try and see them as much as time allows. Well I helped her and her adorable friend.. Karina.. haha get ready for a quincenera that they were going to go to. We laughed and they made me feel young all over again! haha We did our nails and make up.. they looked super cute for the party! I was a little jealous its been ages since I have gotten ready for a party. I miss dancing! I think that will be my first request when I get better.. We are going Salsa Dancing!! :) 

When I got home.. my super sweet and adorable Mayra and Gene showed up with the cutest balloon ever and cremebrulee!! Soon after that Rachies showed up to spend the night with us as well. It was the best get well get together.. ever! We stayed up watching Karate Kid and talking... It was a great ending to such a tough week. Being surrounded by all those that I love really helps me feel so much better

Im so spoiled by my little chickies on such a daily basis that when he leaves me I miss him as if he had left for years! haha Hes so cute though, he made sure to keep in contact with me and even escaped the wedding to say high to me on facebook.. :) I cant wait to see him and give him a big hug. I also feel soo much better about him leaving to mexico without me because 1. I realized he was not in mexico but rather in Arizona's back yard! haha they were exactly 10 minutes away from the boarder. So that does not count in my terms! haha and 2. there are no palm trees there.. and thats my second main reason to get out of utah. haha Although the weather is hotter and there is no snow a place with no palm trees is a sad place... 

To sweet treats and loving friends and family! 

 Love Jessy 

Friday, February 25, 2011

3rd Rock and Oxycodone

Update on day 4:

Last night was a little rocky.. I stayed up waiting to hear that gabe had made it to vegas alive and I was just not feeling the best. So to distract myself I started watching 3rd Rock From the Sun.. seriously funniest show I have EVER seen. I can say it beats modern family! Its such a classic hit! It hits every single awkward possible moment anyone could have. So while waiting to get my final good night call from my chickies I watched the first three or four episodes. 

Well seeing on how I got to bed so late.. I caught up on sleep and slept in. Which is fine because besides sleeping this past week I have done nothing but play on my computer and watch netflix! The doctors yesterday told me if my kidneys hurt to go back and get more antibiotics on top of what im taking orally. This morning I had quite a bit of discomfort but I get scared of becoming immune to the antibiotics and then in the future if something like this happens again.. I could be in a lot of trouble. So I have toughed out the day.. with my side kick.. Oxycodone and watched as much 3rd Rock a person could all in one day. 

For dinner my parents, lulu and I went out to eat at this little chinese place that we eat at all the time. It felt good getting out of the house. This past week the only getting out was to go to the ER so a different setting was nice. 

I dont know what it is but all of the meds they put you on always makes me grumpy, and my poor chickies got the short end of the stick today. I feel bad and miss him lots. We dont spend a lot of time apart and I guess feeling so yucky and him so far away has added to my grumpiness . Im happy he got to get away.. cuz i Love getting away.. haha thats what im all about.  Im looking forward to all the yummy chilorio that he is bringing back! haha mmmm 

I Love this picture because it has all of the things that I Love:
1. chickies 
2. palm trees 
3. Sunny clear skies 
4. MEXICO!! 

haha there are plenty of things missing like my lulu or my mama and daddy and my silly emmanuel. But I just wish i could be there right now.

dizzy hugs and kisses


Thursday, February 24, 2011

One Big Fat CRY baby.. and a Trooper!

Update Day 3: 

So I was able to get some good sleep last night which was nice. Maybe its because lulu slept with me and was keeping me company! :) This morning on the other hand was just not fun at all.. this whole time my right kidney had been bothering me, well this morning both my right and left kidney were just on fire. I was scheduled to go back to the hospital at three so I waited patiently for three o clock to come around! 

My chickies came with me this time.. I told him I wanted to hold his hand today.. since he is leaving on a mini trip with rollies.. I wanted to have him around for as long as possible for today. So when we got to the ER they put us in the same room as yesterday but today my doctor was a Lady. 

Well.. she had me pee in one of those fancy cups they give you and had us wait for the results to see if all of this IV stuff is working. Well bad news for today.. despite the load of IV antibiotics that they have been giving me, my pee showed up positive with still signs of infection. The bad news on top of that is my left kidney is starting to catch my right kidneys cold. 

Well after waiting for about half an hour.. a woman with frizzy big hair and a purple outfit came in... holding a NEEDLE!!! ahhh haha im such a cry baby when it comes to needles!!! Im fine with IV's but shots.. ahhh I cant manage to look at them! since we took out the IV they had put in the first day the doctor thought it would be easier to give me a shot with plenty of antibiotics. :s So after a little bit of hyperventilating gabe told me.. just do it you big baby!! 

It burned!! While I was getting the shot I managed to bite gabes hand and even give him a good punch.. or two! What a trooper! haha he was such a good support and he even helped rub it out.. while I cursed that frizzy haired women to the depths of... well you get the point! 

We decided that his has been pay back for all the poking and probing I have done to people in the past! haha

After we left the ER we got my new set of meds and came back to my house. I have been craving Banana Cream Pie.. mmm.. So my chickies and I made mini banana cream pies. They looked better than the ones in this picture! haha im not much of a baker at all.. so when something finally turns out edible.. im proud of my self! haha I think a toddler could make these in his sleep! haha but it was a sweet ending to a rough day. 
I know your dying to know how to make these! haha so my sweet treat to you today... A RECIPE! 
1. ready to bake Pie Crust.. (The kind you can cut and shape)
2. Vanilla Pudding.. (the kind that comes in a box)... just add two cups of cold milk :) 
3. Bananas 
4. Whipping cream 
5. Caramel 

First cut your pie crust into squires that would fit inside of a cupcake pan. Its best if you have some dough hanging out.. we shaped those parts all wavy to give it a cool look. 
Next put those in the oven at 450 degrees.. and they should take between 5-10 mins. 
Next.. make your pudding.. Cut your banana into small circles. 

When your dough looks nice and golden brown.. take them out of the oven. 
Put your bananas at the bottom of your little crust then put the pudding, then add the whipping cream at a little banana on top and drizzle the caramel right on top. 

The End!! hahah can you tell this is my first time making a recipe!?  

Hugs and Kisses.. 


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Antibiotics never sounded sweeter..

So last night was a little tough.. it felt like my right kidney had a pretty strong heart beat and my bladder was not my biggest friend. The IV they had sent me home with was such a pain to deal with.. bending and moving around was such a struggle!! 

 So today my mom and me went back to the ER to see what the doctors would say.. turns out it must have been one crazy bacteria that decided to attack my kidneys and bladder. So they have me on IV antibiotics! which is great news because I was worried that they would never find anything! That is scarier than some crazy bacteria that is attacking me.. because not having "anything" and being in this much pain would just not be fair. So we got tumors, cysts, and bending ovaries all out of the way!

 hahah i was so bored waiting for the doctors I started taking pictures with my phone.. I decided that for how long they make you wait... they dont give you much to look at. 
 Now I just get to lay back drink plenty of Gatorade.. take a pill that makes my pee super orange along with my pain meds and just wait to go to the hospital once again tomorrow.. 

I was not planning on having a relaxing week but my body had other plans. So for now ill try and catch up on some homework between the sleeping and the peeing haha (it feels like I have a bladder of an 80 year old!) 
 My beautiful mama gave me these get well roses!! she is so cute!! I got lucky with the best most beautiful mama in the whole world! She even got me a cute marshmallow bunny. 
Thank you mama!!! 

Hugs and kisses... 

Pricks Pokes and Plenty of Tears!

So for the past three weeks I have had this pretty bad pain in my bladder and a feeling of it being really swollen and every day I hoped it would just magically go away.. well I have had no luck. Today I woke up and it was just enough to get me to go to the ER. I hate going to the hospital I always have believed its over priced and just not any good if your going in for a medical condition v.s a trauma condition. But I went.. well after 4 hours of poking and several scans and im not sure how many roller coster rides worth of drugs. I was sent home with an Iv in my arm and a package of pills.. to only return again tomorrow.

I was not very surprised when they said... "well we are not sure what it is.. but here are more pain killers for the night if you choose not to stay here." So being there, or being here and saving some money I knew there was not much they could do until tomorrow at two when I get to see the doctor once again. So spent the rest of the day cudding/ sleeping with my chickies and debating on ripping out this super annoying IV.

Its days like today.. where I enjoy being at school and having a normal life. I feel soo bad for those who end up spending months non end hospitalized trapped to a never ending sea of nurses and doctors all looking down at you with pity in their eyes. Tonight.. ill be praying for good results tomorrow but most of all.. health and wellness to all of those I love.

Tired hugs and kiss...


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Love, Flowers and a Bride To Be!

When it comes to having a best friend, I can say I got lucky! Mayra has been my best friend for about 3 years now but it feels like we have known each other or whole lives. Mayra is Gabes little sister and I just LOVE her to death! to the point where luisa and I have formally accepted her to be our third sister! Well this blog post is all about her because she is getting MARRIED!!!!!!!! I seriously feel like my big sister is getting married, I have cried, laughed, cheered and cried some more knowing that my beautiful Mayra is going to get married to our wonderful EUGENE!! 

Love story:  
    Our story first begins three years ago at the fanciest of all locations; the uvu shuttle bus. It was the middle of the school year and Mayra and Eugene managed to catch the same shuttle on this particular evening. Well the rest of it is history.. because three years later.. we are now planning for the I DO's! 

I believe that it had to have been LOVE at first sight because since then these two love birds have been inseparable! For the past three years mayra and eugene have traveled together, camped, celebrated dozens of events and surpassed anything that has come their way! Congrats you two crazy love birds!! 

DECEMBER 16, 2010

   After a few white lies, gene and I took a day off and went ring shopping! Our first and last destination was Shane Co. The place was fancy and met all of Genes needs and wants! We had a blast looking for rings!! Our major concerns were: Will she love it?? Will she be able to wear it at work?? and will it be enough to convince her to say YES!! 

WELL... we found it!! not only was our trip to Shane Co. Fun, but very educational! we learned about the different types of diamonds and what it takes to be placed on that special some ones finger! Im happy I got to go with gene we had such a fun day! 

So now we had to keep things a SECRET!! 

DECEMBER: 31, 2010 
  For new years, we packed our bags and drove out to California to watch gene propose to mayra at the happiest place on earth!! (Disneyland)  The plan was to surprise mayra at midnight with the engagement ring and gene on one knee! Well it worked out great! she had no clue what we were up to!! Our poor gene was so nervous all he kept asking was.. so is that a yes?! haha while she was screaming YES!! I am so happy i was able to be there and watch them turn from boyfriend and girlfriend to: Fiancés!!  

Planning Time!! FEB 19, 2011

Now that all the asking has been done and all the YES's have been said! Its time to plan the wedding!! mayra and me spent the afternoon looking at dresses, food, flowers, photographers and wedding invitations!! There is so much to do in so little time! We set all sorts of appointments to pick out the official wedding dress and the invitations! We even WON free thank you post cards!! Until next time... 


JULY 9, 2011