Wednesday, March 9, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons.. Call a Missionary!!

So for the past month I have been feeling not so great! As most of you already know, I have had a bad kidney infection and it has caused me to be in and out of the hospital quite often. At this point I feel like I have been on a terrible roller coaster ride because one day I feel ok enough to go to school and the next day I cant even make it out of bed. My life consists of water and pills all day.. where i feel like this picture describes exactly how i feel!!

Well yesterday was particularly bad because I got a fever of a 100.5 and my whole body hurt, I had the chills and was convinced that it would only be moments time that I would be sitting in heaven drinking sweet lemonade with my beloved grandma.

 I guess after over dosing on Ibuprofen my fever came down and the chills went away. I made an appointment to see the doctors for today because the lymph nodes in my neck were getting pretty swollen and I was just worried all around. I found out today at the doctors that the infection in my kidneys has not gone away rather it has become worse. Which was devastating news because the last time I went to the doctors they had told me the infection was gone and all I had to deal with was the side effects of a swollen kidney.. nausea.. grose! So today they gave me a super yucky shot.. that felt like it came roaring from the depths of.. you get the point! Ouch!! I cried, screamed and cursed as usual.. The bad news is.. I get to go back again tomorrow for another shot!! I have had painful shots before the "peanut butter"shots is what we all like to call them.. well they are pleasant compared to the devolic thing they gave me today! This one in particular, stings, bites, burns, eats a portion of your skin right off as it numbs your whole leg and radiates pain up your hip and back!! Im telling you.. if this does not do the trick.. im making a direct call to heaven for a kidney replacement. haha check please!

Well disappointed, in pain and just not happy.. I felt like I had to give my missionary buddies a call just to see how they were doing. I had gotten a blessing from them a little more than a week ago and I miss them not coming around as often. We talked about the weather, life, and I asked for a refund on my health blessing! haha They are so fun to just joke around with.. they are not uptight at all so we have a great time. Well those sweet and caring souls came OVER!! they surprised me with a huge bag of chocolates!! Twix, almond joy, caramellos, fast break.. you name it! Its king sized and in that special little baggy! They are so sweet!! They said they felt like I need some chocolate to make me feel better!! They must have girlfriends back home because chocolate is always a good remedy for girls! :) They hung out with us for a about 20 mins before they went running out the door to beat their "clean" inspector! haha What funny guys! I invited them over for lunch on saturday just so we could hang out with them some more.

 As for my chickies.. I believe that he is doing a whole nursing carrier with me!! He has been here through the thick and thin and I can say that im the luckiest girl alive to have such an amazing boyfriend. He missed class today just to make sure I felt better after my shot! Im actually pretty happy that I got him his Iphone because I cry and make a fuss and he holds my hand, rubs my head, pats my back, and still manages to catch glimpses of his games and sport stuff on his phone while I am having a moment.. haha I think god placed me in his life to teach him patience.. and after this month.. I realized that he has passed with flying colors. At this point no one can say that my chickies is not patient because he has truly proven the exact opposite! I had a horrible dream last night that my chickies left me.. When I woke up all I could do was be so grateful that he is still by my side and appreciate all that he does for me. :) 

So to good boyfriends, a great family, and super awesome missionaries

Hugs and kisses


Friday, March 4, 2011

When Boy's Think Romantically!!

I have been wanting to make a post about the amazing dinner that Gabe and the boys did for us on valentinesday!

I know we are now in march and talking about valentines day is old news, but it was so amazingly beautiful what these guys did that in my eyes they deserve a post! Even if its a little late. :)

So here it is:

Ok, so Gabriel, Juan, Eugene, dad Carlos, and little Carlos, all got together and planned an amazing valentines day surprise for us girls. They did such an amazing job at keeping it secret!! Everything they bought was stored in the garage, gabes room and in a variety of very interesting places! Througout the week they each managed to tell each one of us girls different lies to get around their plans. For example little carlos told andrea that he needed the fondu machine for some special reason, i cant clearly remember what, but I think he tied it in with school. Juan told Cinthia that they were going over to Gabes house to celebrate Mirna's birthday! haha and well big carlos is just good at being quiet all around! So here is the list of the lucky girls and their couple:

Mayra &Eugene

Mirna & Carlos

Andrea & Carlos

Cinthia & Juan

Jessica & Gabriel

These guys cooked, planned and even decorated! I cant even begin to express how impressed I was and still am with the way they made our valentines day so special. Our day began with us girls being told that we had to arrive at Gabes house at exactly 4:30pm! Gabe understands my difficulty with time.. so he threatened me and made sure I was the first to arrive! haha When I walked in I got sat in the office with mirna and they shut the doors! haha they were not quite yet ready.. and mirna was so excited that her husband was cooking!! Well soon enough came mayra, andrea and cinthia. We were told that the 5th course was being prepared and we were to wait just another minute. 

While we waited the guys, chopped, seared, broiled and roasted!! I still cant believe they cooked all of that food in under two hours! They did manage to turn the kitchen inside out and use over 55 plates!
But it was all worth it in the end. 

When the food was all ready, each of the boys came into the room and escorted us to the dinning room! The table was beautifully decorated!! they had wine cups and palate cleansers along with laminated menu's personalized to each girl. It was all very shocking! They showed us to our seats and told us they would be back in a minute! 

Soon after they left, they all came in dressed so fancy!! With little red bowties!! they each were holding a red flower for each of us.. and chickes got me roses too!! Not only were these boys our dates.. they were our waiters and cooks! We had our own little ratatouilles for the night haha.. 

Our elegant 5 Course Meal included the following: 
Lobster and Avocado Salad 
Shrimp Cocktail with specialty sauces 

Pan Seared Quail 

Blue Cheese topped Filet Mignon 

 Chocolate fondue covered strawberries and bananas
The meal was so well thought out and just delicious! The remainder of the night we talked, cleaned and enjoyed each others company.  It was definitely one of the most romantic evenings of my life. 

Thank you chickies!! :) 

Hugs and kisses 


If you want to see the rest of the pictures.. they are on facebook :) 

Celebrating 25 years of Love!

25 years of love:

On March 1st, 1986 my parents ran away from home and got married!!! haha its a long story that many of you know! I still cry every time she tells it.. haha which if any of you know my mom.. you would know that thats.. quite often! but the love and passion that they have for each other is amazing and despite anything that comes in their way.. they battle it out and surpass lives toughest battles.

Well March 1st, 2011 represented 25 years of their marriage!! What an accomplishment!! and to celebrate Lulu and I planned for them to have an amazing getaway!
so here is the story:

So by midnight of March 1st, Lulu and I had come to realize that my Mom and Dad had not made any official plans to celebrate their anniversary. We put a budget together and then started to see what we could do for them. We were not going to allow 25 years to just pass by!!

Well after much research we finally came across this amazing resort in Midway: The Zermatt Resort!!
We got them the Bed and Breakfast package and filled their day with activities and dinner.

Well we decided to present to them their amazing getaway in a pamphlet so I spent the remainder of the night writing them an Itinerary and exact details of what their package all entailed. I was able to finish all of the last details by nine in the morning. By then my mom had been walking around the house and doing her usual routine.

I could tell she was not sure what we were up to when we handed her the little red folder but as she came to realize what her day was about to entail.. she light up! :) That made me soo happy because my parents deserve an awesome night out for their 25th anniversary. Well she got my dad home as soon as he could and they left for a night of fun and relaxation at the Zermatt Resort. At this point lulu my mom and me started packing for their one night getaway!  I love how excited she was!! :)

Once my dad came home they were ready to leave: 

The Itinerary: 
Their getaway started by swimming at the Homestead Crater at Midway, I had reserved for them to be there by three. I had originally planned for them to first go to the hotel and settle in and change, but time moved quicker than what we had planned and they managed to get to the crater at exactly three! The lucky love birds spent two hours in the crater! the place was so slow no one noticed they stayed so long. :) 


They checked in to the hotel and got ready for dinner, Matty's Bistro :) 

the view from the room 

After dinner: 
The love birds went to have an enchanted experience at the Ice Castles in Midway: 

After freezing at the Ice Castles they went back to the resort to swim, hot tub and check out all of the amazing relaxation rooms that the resort has to offer.

The next day: 
They watched a movie, went into all of the saunas and steam rooms.. sat in the relaxation rooms and ate breakfast at the bistro and hung out at the resort till about one or two in the afternoon. They even bought yummy fancy pastries from the bakery that they have on site. :) 

On their way home.. my dad decided it would be fun to walk out onto the middle of Deer Creek. My mom was so scared! That lake is so big and I dont blame her for being scared of walking out on top of all of that ice. She said there were plenty of people fish camping! haha she said they were all in tents around holes they had made in the snow! to us... thats a little wierd. 


oh about two hours after they got home from their getaway.. my dad managed to cut and break his middle finger! My poor mom has been to the hospital way to much these past two weeks.. but hes ok now.. he just has to wear a cast and he got 5 stitches. I dont have a picture of his finger.  Maybe on my next post ill put one. :) 
