Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In a mAcs WoRLd!

Just because i fell in love, at first sight. I introduce you to the Ipad! this device is heaven and i want one! its a touch screen computer with all the iphone goodies added in! it has 10 hours of battery! It can be a TV and so many other things!! So for the mac lovers like my self.. take a minute and gaze at a beautiful device! :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

ThAnKs ChIcKieS!

Soooo we got our very first follower! And that to me is blog worthy! haha Thank you babe for adding! :) so in honor, for clicking that little add button on the side of our page.. you get your own post! :) love you!! -Jess 


Thursday, January 21, 2010

LibRary CrazIes

So I am still trying to figure out what is blogspot worthy, so i have decided to tell you guys about my random library moment! Right after walking in to the library and getting everything i needed, the alarm went off and everyone was rushed out side! The alarm said... ** Diiing diiing diiing... there has been an emergency reported in this building, please evacuate the building and DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.. Diiing Diiing Diiing*** i think i heard that about 30 times or more before we were all let back in. I still dont know what caused the random moment, but i was bored and took pictures. So enjoy my two random pictures of this morning library craziness! -love jess

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

BaBy ErIc

I was not going to add anything else for today, but i just wrote eric and i had to share my love for this little guy with you guys!! :) hes got so much more to go, and i miss him LOTS! enjoy a couple of my favorite pictures of silly baby eric.


My sisters: Lulu, Rachies, and Nena
This is ME, Jessy
This is my "Chickies" in other words my babies :)

A LittLe BoUt LuLu

This is Jorge

WeLCoMe To OuR SpOt

So, Lulu and I (jessy) have decided to create our own blogspot! We are new to this, so our page might be boring for a little while! But help us enjoy this, while we share a little about our selves with you! :)